
For many people the New Year means a time to start afresh or make goals and plans for the year. Some people make resolutions to spend more time with family or help others out while others make plans for holidays or learning something new.

Getting healthy and fit or losing weight are often high up on the list but many struggle to stay on track. Making goals and action plans are important to stay on track but if you find that hard than I suggest you embrace one concept. If you embrace this concept your health will improve and you will find it much easier to manage your weight.

That concept is to EAT REAL FOOD as much as possible! Real food is food in its most natural state. It is unprocessed or with very little processing. Real food is whole food.

A real food way of eating is full of the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) your body needs to function and stay healthy. It has NO added fat, sugar, salt or additives.  You will also be more likely to consume the recommended 5 servings of vegetables each day.

Real food is found in your own garden, farmers markets, your local fruit and vegetable shop, your butcher or fish monger, and mostly around the edge of the supermarket.

Real food includes: vegetables; fruits; fresh herbs; whole grains with no or minimal processing like oats, brown rice and buckwheat; unprocessed meats; fish; nuts and seeds; eggs; minimally processed dairy; beans and legumes.

If health is a priority for you this year, I encourage you to eat Real Food! Keep an eye on my facebook page this year for lots of tips and recipes to stay on track with real food.

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